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Role in the project


  • dissemination and exploitation

RTD Talos

RTD TALOS Limited is an SME offering high quality services in the field of project management at both European and national level. It is being considered among the biggest consultancy firms in Cyprus. TALOS has years of demonstrated experience in project management being involved since its foundation in more than 50 European research projects and having taken the responsibility for managing administrative and financial tasks, reporting, maintenance of agreements between the consortium members and handling overall legal, ethical, financial and administrative issues. Moreover, TALOS is an expert in exploiting and disseminating project results and has prepared numerous successful Exploitation Agreements with special emphasis on proper IPR management among the partners.


TALOS is currently managing numerous EU-funded Research and Innovation projects which have received funding through Horizon 2020 programme. TALOS has developed a strong network with SMEs and R&D performers as well as with stakeholders involved in the exploitation of research results on a European scale.

TALOS is the Coordinator of the Cyprus Business Angels Network (CyBAN, a full member of the European Business Angels Network) which is the only Angel Investment Network in Cyprus. CyBAN reviews up to 100 businesses per year to find the most exciting and cutting edge companies. From this around 15 businesses are selected and presented to the Business Angels though Company Presentation Events and online Company Exhibition. Already numerous start-up companies with innovative ideas were funded through CyBAN and TALOS. Being the coordinator of Cyprus Business Angels Network, TALOS maintains strong connections with the SME ecosystem and investor community in Europe.

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This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 790157.

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