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R&D partner
Role in the project


  • protein extraction methods

  • development of functional packaging prototypes

Experimental Station for the Food Preservation Industry – Research Foundation 

SSICA is a Public Institute for applied research, established in Parma in 1922 and operating on a national scale with the specific aim of promoting the technical and technological progress in the Italian fruit, vegetable, meat and fish processing industry. The basic activity of SSICA is applied research related to the production chain of the agrifood sector, by means of which SSICA tends to supply suitable solutions to the food preserving industry in terms of product and process innovation, technology, methodology and use of raw materials, ingredients and materials (plants and packaging) and improvement of production processes and services, and of the conditions that determine the competitiveness and productivity of enterprises.


SSICA has gained a wide knowledge and experience concerning the food preservation, both at laboratory scale, from an analytical point of view, and at pilot plant scale. The Groups that will be involved in this projects are: Packaging Department, Meat Department, Microbiology Department and Production Technologies Department.

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This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 790157.

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