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Baked goods containing fungi by-products

PROLIFIC Newstream

First round of PROLIFIC goods are ready to be served!

The pictures show the first attempts to incorporate fungal residues into a grain/protein extrudate matrix.

1. The picture above shows the basic product, without the use of residues (for comparative purposes)

2. Basic product

3. Extrudate with 10% FPOhp fungi I fundi extract content.

4. Extrudate with 10 percent FPOhk fungi l fungi extract content.

5. Extrudate with 10 percent FPOhk fungi l fungi extract content - Result with deviating parameters

6. Extrudate with 10 percent FPOhk fungi l fungi extract content - Result with deviating parameters

7. Comparison Basic product and extrudate with 10% FPOhk fungi l fungi extract content.

8. Sample with different concentrations of an additive (Color depending on the added extract and proportions)

9. Sample with different concentrations of an additive (Color depending on the added extract and proportions)

10. Coextrusion process

11. Extrudate with 10 percent FABw fungi l fungi extract content - Sticks

12. Extrudate with 10 percent FABw fungi l fungi extract content - Sticks

13. Extrudate with 10 percent FABw fungi l fungi extract content - Pillows

Figures 1 and 2 show a comparative product without the use of residues. Figures 3 to 7 show the first results. The content of (dried) fungal residues in the extrudate is 10 %. Depending on the extrusion settings, size, shape and bulk density may vary. The colour of the extrudates can be adjusted depending on the type and added quantity of residues (Figs. 8 and 9). Figures 10 to 13 show a co-extrusion process and possible products. The content of fungal residues is also 10%. It's worth mentioning that use of such processes in vegan/vegetarian meat substitutes is conceivable.



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This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 790157.

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