Conserves France
CONSERVES FRANCE is a society for the transformation of fruit and vegetables, located in Nimes in the region of Gard. The social capital belongs for 99.96% to O.P. Apo Conerpo (0.05%), located in Italy in the province of Bologna, Uniproledi (0.14%), located in Bias in France in the region of Lot et Garonne, and to the cooperative Conserve Italia (99,77%), member of O.P. Apo Conerpo, located in S. Lazzaro di Savena (BO) in Italy. The total sales volume of 2018 is 79.4 milions of euros, of which 42% correspond to the sales of final products obtained from raw materials provided by Uniproledi in the facility of St Sylvestre, that include also sweet corn. In addition 19% were obtained in the facility of Tarascon, which raw material was provided by local or Spanish farms.
The remaining sales, around 39%, was obtained with the final products realized by Conserve Italia in Italian facilities.
Conserves France commercialized its products with the brands
Cirio (tomato),
Barbier Dauphin (ready-to-eat products),
Dea (ethnic specialties),
Valfrutta (vegetables)
and commercial brands (private label) of some French retailers (Casino, Carrefour, Auchan, Leclerc).